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The first Ministrings rehearsal took place on 27 February 2002. The idea was to give young children the opportunity to learn to play in an ensemble.
The first two years gradually brought a specific colour to this work, created unique dynamics in the ensemble, and resulted in the first “big” concert : “Ministrings European Tour”, that took place at 7 pm on Wednesday 16 June 2004 at Conservatoire de Lausanne. The show was a turning point and a powerful trigger for the wild adventure that continues today.

Many things have happened since!
Around 100 concerts, two of which performed together with the Lausanne Chamber Orchestra, three in Istanbul, a week in Italy, three 1st prizes with congratulations at the Swiss Contest of Music for Young Musicians, just to mention a few.

In line with with the ambitious first decade, the 10th anniversary will actually be celebrated over two years.
The idea is to prepare a real Ministrings European Tour !

We would like to offer audiences throughout Europe the “Best of Ministrings” performed by current and former Ministrings players.

Consequently, we are looking for music schools, music universities, concert halls… in short, venues that would be willing to welcome Ministrings in spring 2014.
If you are interested or have a venue to suggest, contact me or Conservatoire de Lausanne.

In the meantime, festive warm-up tours will obviously take place. Contact Tina Strinning if you want us to keep you informed, or visit the Events section.